Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis Overview
Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is a technique that is established by organisations who want a full picture of visible, direct costs as well as the costs which are not well measured or can even be hidden.
FMECA is a logical, team-based approach, focusing on the failure process using knowledge, experience and data to identify the best maintenance approach that will realise the inherent safety and reliability of complex equipment at minimum total cost.
There are two stages used in the FMECA process:
FMECA 1 | to analyse and record the details of the failures
FMECA 2 | to develop the tasks and resources
Included in the FMECA process is the Risk Priority Number (RPN). The RPN is a measure of criticality and is obtained by multiplying factors, such as:
Occurrence | the likelihood of failure
Severity | the consequence of failure
The FMECA Approach
Compiling the Maintenance Plan
By using the FMECA process a list of tasks will be produced and these tasks need to be compiled into Maintenance Plans. There are key 7 stages in compiling the full Maintenance Plan:
Identify duplicate tasks
Identify tasks that require ‘routes’ or ‘tours’
Group tasks into Job Plans by craft, frequency and skill
Optimise frequencies
List ‘corrective’ actions and identify support requirements
List Design Out Maintenance actions and prioritise
Determine value added
Implementation of the Maintenance Plan
Once the Maintenance Plan has been compiled it is time to implement it through the following tasks:
Total time for all Tasks on each Job Plan should not be more that 80% of the time for one maintenance period
Load the Job Plans into the CMMS
·Set Start Dates to group or smooth the workload over the year, depending on the strategy
Review and Approval of the complete Maintenance Plan
Train Technicians and other people if necessary
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The Benefits of a FMECA Process
Your organisation can quickly realise the benefits of an efficient and focused asset care regime by employing a FMECA process. The resulting benefits can include:
Prevention Planning
Identifies change requirements
Cost reduction
Increased throughput
Decreased waste
Decreased warranty costs
Reduce non-value added operations
Reduction in costs and improvement in efficiencies by analysis of spare parts inventory