Planned Maintenance Programmes
Planned Preventive Maintenance Overview
Planned Preventive Maintenance is essential for ensuring reliability; however, many plans are ineffective, redundant or too time consuming.
Working with your technicians, MCP develops customised Planned Preventive Maintenance and job plans for your equipment, using FMECA/RCM/REM tools to develop appropriate maintenance strategies and associated maintenance plans, taking into consideration regulatory and environmental requirements, historical equipment data, and operating conditions.
Planned Preventive Maintenance Approach
MCP will optimise your current Planned Preventive Maintenance programme utilising our Review of Equipment Maintenance (REM) optimisation process to define the appropriate preventive, predictive and design out tasks.
The first step is to establish the relative importance – criticality - of the assets. A formal criticality analysis helps to prioritise work, manage risk, and provide the basis for developing maintenance plans.
MCP can undertake a complete asset criticality assessment using site-specific factors to produce a list of all assets in scope, categorised into high, medium, low categories. The steps involved include:
Definition of criteria for assessing asset criticality
Collection of background information and data
Training of team involved in performing the assessment
Criticality assessment and categorisation
An accurate criticality ranking enables maintenance teams to:
Identify the most critical assets – usually 10 to 20% - for further analysis using Failure Modes and Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Determine individual assets’ maintenance strategy
Prioritise work orders
Provide information to define escalation processes to reduce risk for all plant assets
Make better overall risk management decisions
Optimise maintenance costs by focusing attention on the most critical assets
Support stocking parts decisions
Equipment Maintenance Plans and Job Plans
Maintenance plans are developed by applying FMECA or RCM based methods of analysis using in-house teams, supported and coached by one of MCP’s maintenance consultants.
Analysis is carried out at system or component level, determined by the asset criticality.
Individual tasks and job plans for PM/PDM tasks are developed for each critical asset, based on the identified failures available, maintenance options (predictive, preventive, run to fail, design out) and risk assessment. Maintenance plans, with skills and spare parts in Excel or MS Word format, are uploaded to your CMMS/EAM system.