Facilities Management Overview
From insourcing to outsourcing, mechanical and electrical (M&E) tendering to maintenance programmes, auditing to benchmarking, MCP advises across the full range of Facilities Management services.
We offer solutions in both soft and hard services and provide bespoke consultancy services to meet client-specific needs.
Facilities Management Approach
MCP works with leading organisations to maximise the best value from their building portfolio. We review traditional estates and their operational costs establishing how to optimise service costs.
Our consultants challenge established and often entrenched views and propose alternative ways of thinking.
Our Facilities Management consultancy services include:
Facilities Management
Operational cost reviews and benchmarking
Estate management, FM procurement and outsourcing
Health and safety and statutory compliance support
Engineering risk profiling
Business process reviews
Energy management
Cleaning service reviews
Preventive maintenance programme development
FM business process mapping
Building and equipment maintenance programmes
Asset condition surveys
Capital replacement planning
Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) specification, selection and implementation
FM Training