Facilities Management Audit
Understanding your business-critical issues
Facilities Management Audit Overview
Effective Facilities Management (FM) plays a crucial strategic role in delivering business objectives which is why our Facilities Management Audit is now gaining greater recognition.
The demands are such that the maintenance of services, equipment and building fabric is becoming business-critical and significant emphasis is being placed on innovation and efficiency improvement. For their first step to improvement, MCP helps customers address each of the following questions:
Do you have a clear strategy for achieving your facilities objectives?
Are your facilities objectives aligned with your business objectives?
Are you achieving best practice?
Do you know where to look for the next level of improvement objectives?
Do you know how your facility costs compare to other similar facilities?
Are your systems, processes and procedures as effective and efficient as they could be?
Do you know if your contractors are delivering the best value for money?
If you have answered ‘NO’ to any of the above questions, MCP’s FM audit will help you understand your current level of performance.
FM Audit Approach
An external assessment of your Facilities Management can help you demonstrate that you are managing an effective and efficient service. MCP’s FM Scan is an online analysis tool to quickly self-assess your hard and soft services, benchmarking against sector best practice and against your competitors. The benchmark scores offer access to a series of performance measures.
The audit takes between 3-5 days. The assessment covers the full range of facilities services and enables users to select which services they want to assess moving forward. This tool in no way replaces more in-depth services but offers an initial orientation to inform you of the next step.
FM Audit Benefits
Assesses how your FM operations compare to similar in other industry sectors and a common set of best practices
Identifies a series of key performance measures to ensure improved performance
Reduces costs
Improves service