Working in Partnership
Managing Redundant & Surplus Assets
MCP Consulting group are proud to announce that we are now working in partnership with Apex auctions, with so many synergies between the two organisations you are in safe hands. At the front end, MCP offering the solution to optimise your inventory and over stock, completing the cycle Apex Auctions will maximise that over stock into cash.
Two world renowned organisations collaborating to deliver the best possible solution for the disposal of your redundant assets.
Spare Parts Assessment
Using our sophisticated management assessment tool, we can identify your redundant stock and surplus assets. The assessment is a high-level assessment designed to:
Measure the current status of spare parts management against a series of best practices
Identify the sources and scope for improvements
Provide a benchmark score for the site Manage the disposal of unwanted parts
The assessment will identify:
Areas for improvement
Gaps in stores and inventory management processes
Key performance ratios
Potential savings opportunities (Redundant & Surplus Assets)
Adopt a structured approach to your redundant and surplus assets, get in touch for more information.